Home Holidays Christmas These are the top Christmas movies by state

These are the top Christmas movies by state

These are the top Christmas movies by state

The week leading up to Christmas isn’t just for stressed out last minute shopping, it’s when TV networks put on non-stop Holiday movies.  Onine TV service provider CableTV.com decided to figure out which movie was the most popular state-by-state by taking the top-rated Christmas flicks as rated over at AMC, and cross-referenced them with Google Trends state data from the past 10 years. Surprisingly, “Die Hard” is not the top choice of any state, despite the fact that, yes, it is a Christmas movie dammit.

The top choice for California is “Nightmare Before Christmas,” a movie which, despite being more of a Halloween movie than a Christmas movie, dominates the southwest by holding down the top spot in Arizona and New Mexico.

There are really no big surprises on the list with movies like “Elf,” “Christmas Vacation,” and “Home Alone” being popular in several states.  One mild surprise: “A Christmas Story” is not the top choice in either Ohio and Indiana – where it was filmed and set in – but is the top choice of Utah.

“Fred Claus” is no state’s choice, because “Fred Claus” is terrible.