A security camera caught a naked fella early Wednesday morning in Coachella stealing a couple of bras and a skirt from an unlocked truck and then going on a bit of a stroll around the neighborhood.
Surveillance video caught the nude dude stealing the garments and than putting two bras on (one on his chest and one on his head). He also puts on a skirt and then walks around a bit. At one point he makes his way to the door of the house the truck is parked at and meets a cat, who does not look amused.
Later, a cop car cruises by, but the dude just waits in the truck undetected as it drives by.
Vidal Coronel’s father owns the truck and the clothes belong to her sister. She told KESQ, “We have had incidents where stuff has been stolen, but never like this, where some guy is completely naked, and at a point in the video you actually see him sniffing the bra.”
Anyone with info on the guy should call 760-341-STOP.
You can watch the surveillance video below – or here if it does not show up your browser.