Home Local Palm Springs You can have a Palm Springs hiking trail named for you for only $500,000!

You can have a Palm Springs hiking trail named for you for only $500,000!

You can have a Palm Springs hiking trail named for you for only $500,000!
(Instagram / @saveoswitcanyon)

A local group trying to preserve Oswit Canyon in Palm Springs announced this week that a developer has struck a deal with them to not build on the site for the low, low price of (Dr. Evil voice)…one million dollars (at least to start – and it’s not really clear what the total cost would be). Like most groups do nowadays, Save Oswit Canyon has taken to the internet to solicit donations to raise the money by the end of the year and, as the Desert Sun notes, there is one perk in particular that may be of interest to anyone looking to leave a unique legacy in Palm Springs.

Any donation amount is accepted, but donors who give upwards of $500 will receive special perks. A $500,000 donation, for example, will let the donor have the main trail named after them.

So yeah, I guess you should get ready to hike the Harold Trail, folks.

For more info or to donate, head over here.