A guy has been chillin’ on an Indio rooftop for hours. Is he just waiting for a good view of the fireworks? No, Indio had theirs already (for some reason) – rather he has a felony arrest warrant and there are a bunch of cops waiting to arrest him on the ground.
The man has no weapon or hostages, according to the Desert Sun. The Indio Police Department says there is no reason for the public to be alarmed.
Just in: Man on Roof Refuses to Come Down From #Indio Home. https://t.co/kgSb8WL1KL pic.twitter.com/JxctWUqziv
— KMIR News (@KMIRNews) July 1, 2016
Looks like the man on the roof caper continues. Officers have backed off. #Indio pic.twitter.com/07Ftfj8S8b
— Derek Bell (@DerekBell) July 1, 2016
Looks like the man on the roof caper might be coming to an end. Officers have him surrounded #Indio pic.twitter.com/s4BwDWybKo
— Derek Bell (@DerekBell) July 1, 2016
Update: The guy is no longer on the roof
According to KESQ, the man was wanted on a warrant for domestic violence.
Street view of Corta Herrera, where officers removed an #Indio man from a home roof. @MyDesert pic.twitter.com/h7FxHtcvU8
— Meg Ryan (@The_MegRyan) July 1, 2016